Sunday, February 24, 2013

Collection Project

When assigned this project I wasn't quite sure what kind of collection I would want to arrange or organize in a new way. Since I live in an apartment I don't have a whole lot of space to store collections of physical things. But after I thought about the project for a little while I realized I have a decently sized music collection on my laptop. Since I don't spend a lot of time looking at my album covers or making sure that they are accurate I decided it might be interesting to pick out a handful that caught my eye. After picking out about 35, I arranged them in a specific way and narrowed it down to 35 covers.

My initial idea was to have a progression or gradient from most color to least. But as I began organizing them in this fashion, I noticed that some of the columns had their own characteristics as well. For example the middle column tends to have covers that contain geometric patterns and shapes. The far left column also tends to have organic features. 

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