Saturday, April 13, 2013

MFA Gallery

MFA Show

After walking through the MFA exhibit in the art building a few times I was really impressed by a lot of the works done by students here at WSU. The gallery definitely had a great variety of works that one might see in an art studio somewhere else. I would post some of my favorites and least favorites but unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures of the art works, which is understandable.

But from what I remember there were definitely a handful that I really liked. I thought that the plaster sledgehammers, & plates were really interesting. Especially the video under the table of each plate getting smashed. The baseball cards were amazing as well. I was really impressed with the amount of detail that the artist was able to put on each card. Especially for how small and accurate the print had to be. I also really enjoyed the ceramic ribbony objects that were draped over several pieces of furniture. They had a shiny gloss to them and seemed delicate enough to break with your finger which overall created an interesting effect.

I wasn't a huge fan of the works that seemed to be random collages of colorful material. Personally I don't understand the significance of those types of pieces. It must be something that is going completely over my head, because most of the time when I look at those pieces I think to myself that I could have done just as good of a job putting together random bits to create an overall piece. Its just really hard for me to find any meaning or skill behind what the artist is doing.

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